Transformers – Dark of the Moon

 After the huge success and applauds the Hollywood movie “Tranformers”, has been given a new direction. Yes folks! You caught me right here’s a new app designed for iPhone and iPad, Transformers.  For many fans and followers Optimus Prime, Bumblebee, and the other robots in disguise are special characters, and hope endures that someday, a Transformers app will come along that does them justice. Unfortunately, Dark of the Moon is not that game. The action in this third-person shooter isn't bad, but it also isn't anything remarkable. There are no surprises or standout moments during the brief campaign, and the shallow multiplayer is not likely to keep you coming back for very long.

Dark of the Moon serves as a prologue to the upcoming film of the same name. There's a story here about the evil deceptions desperately looking for something, but the game never makes it clear why we should care about the outcome, so it's hard to feel invested in what happens. And because you play as both Auto bots and Deceptions, you're not rooting for either side to prevail. The ending is underwhelming; nothing is resolved, and there are no clear winners or losers. All we get is the setup of a situation that will play out at Cineplex’s later this summer. So check out the app and do let us know – is it worth playing more than once.


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